Change Your Story Change Your Life - Part II Special Interview with Chris Hawk

mindset personal wellness May 27, 2020 `

If you've ever been through domestic violence as a child or as an adult, you know the traumatic memories that can stick in your mind. If you have ever kept it a secret yourself, you know how much holding it in can mess with your thinking and mood. If you're dealing with any of this right now, this video contains key insights in how to get out of your situation or simply give you hope that things don't have to remain that way.

What if you could learn through someone's story a new way to think about what you have been through? Or to know the exact moment to change things in your life? Any of these insights, have the power to shift something inside you and create a totally different person.

In part I of this special interview with Studio13Seven Health and Wellness Leader Chris Hawk, Chris shared how his childhood grew from experiences dealing with Domestic Violence. He shared how holding on to roller coaster of emotions of anger, hurt, and fear were carried through high school and post high school. 

His past story of drug use and abuse to selling in his community led to an almost near death experience as a drug overdose. 

In part II, Chris shares how the story that he was telling himself of "I'm not worthy, lovable or important" changed to something new. As this story began to change, the life circumstances began to change and life began to change as he changed. Chris talks about the real parts of his life that he never quite shared because he didn't want others to look at him differently.

His courage and bravery to share some personal information is here to help others who may be experiencing something similar. 

Some great insights that I took away from the interview left me thinking about families who care so much about their image, that they keep the truth hidden. They would rather bear the emotional pain of abuse than the pain of honesty and public knowledge. I know this stems from the belief that people are either this way or that way... The problem with that thinking is it leaves no room for development and change.

The reality is WE ARE NOT FIXED, nothing ever is. Just look at the Atomic Level. Everything is in constant movement. So are we, the circumstances and conditions of our life are simply what is going on at that moment. They are not FIXED. We can make a decision at any moment to change or commit to a new course of action.

-Michael Adams

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