From Near Death to Community Health & Wellness Leader - Part 1 Special Interview with Chris Hawk

mindset personal wellness May 20, 2020 `

If your a struggling native trying to let go of the horrors of the past, then this interview is for you. If you find yourself drowning in negativity and feel hopeless around all the things you have experienced in your life, this interview has the power to change that.

Chris Hawk, with Studio13Seven works alongside his partner to help inspire movement in Native American communities. They recently launched their free 6 week Blitz program and have helped many people get moving in connecting back with their health. Chris now wakes up inspired to get moving in bettering his community.

However, this was not always the case. Chris grew up in a household where the sounds of screaming, crying, and yelling were sometimes normal. He has seen things that he wouldn't wish any other kid to see. He began to take responsibility for some the pain and blame himself. He turned to drugs and alcohol as a way to cope with his feelings of loss and abandonment.

All these wild experiences eventually led him to having a near death experience of drug overdose. His powerful story is captured in two parts, so stay tuned to hear the rest of the interview in Part II.

-Michael Adams

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