The Mindset Formula for Courage - How to live a more courageous life

Uncategorized May 06, 2020 `

Have you ever wondered what special ingredient is missing from your life when it comes to taking on something that scares you?

Maybe you to tend to lean on the side of fear, safety and comfort. This would be okay, because like all of us... our million old brains have evolved to help you survive, so we must intentionally use our ability to think and move beyond those emotions of fear, safety, and comfort.

At the end of the day, have you asked yourself, "What does all this get me or do for me?" 

Quite possibly more situations of FEAR, WORRY, then ultimately REGRET. 

Have you looked around and noticed that there are too many people living their lives in this state. I don't know about you, but these people don't appear to be happy consistently. It's more like the moments of happiness come as quick as they go. 

However, I know you are reading this because you want to discover another part about yourself.

What if there was a state you could began practicing a little more in your life? A state that opens up doors to the excitement and opportunities of life. A state that creates the rush and exhilaration of anticipation and expectancy.

The state I am referring to is Courage.

Have you thought about the number of times you really embraced, cultivated and stepped into this powerful state? I'm guessing, it was those times in your life where you can remember because something changed or you learned something about yourself.

Courage is defined as the ability to do something that frightens you. 

Now remember, because we work with a thinking machine called our brain that is designed and evolved to help us survive, it is always looking out for things that are dangerous, scary, risky, harmful, and potentially life-threatening. 

We can definitely see why this would have served us well during times when we roamed the land and our life was actually in danger with large predators roaming around. Today, we don't face those exact items in our life.

We create the same Dangerous, Scary, Risky, Harmful and Potentially Life-Threatening responses when we simply are asked to get up and speak in front of a group of people. We have lost perspective, do you agree?

In this video, we explore the Mindset Formula for Courage and breakdown the key ingredients, so we can understand how to cultivate this state intentionally in our life. 

Imagine being able to take on all those list of items you have placed on the shelf because of Fear. Suppose you could get the paradise that exists in your mind because you did cross the line of courage more often. 

-Next Wave Warrior 

-Michael Adams


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