Warrior Living TV

How To Deal With Difficult People - 3 Questions To Get You Resolve

Uncategorized Apr 15, 2020

I know we can all remember that one difficult person in our lives, whether it was our friend, child, colleague, family, or spouse. They stuck their heel into the mud and wouldn't budge or move. It caused you so much stress and frustration at the moment and whether you yelled, ignored, or chose a passive aggressive approach, the situation remained difficult.

You may have a difficult person in your life right now. Have you stopped and asked yourself what about the person or situation is difficult? Have you asked yourself what kind of stress am I willing to put up with and if its worth it? Have you asked yourself what can I learn from this situation? Have you asked yourself, how rigid am I being in my communication?

So let's take this apart and understand what exactly is DIFFICULT. There are so many factors that play into whether a person categorizes a situation as difficult or not. You can get so frustrated by simply overthinking the situation and it appears like nothing ever seems...

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How to Be Calm - 3 Actions to Activate Your Calm Self

how to personal wellness Apr 08, 2020

In this time of your life, ask yourself this question.

"Is the best version of me expressed in heightened, uncontrolled emotions or calm controlled emotions?"

If you care for those around you, the best gift you can give is yourself showing up in the best way you can.

This video will show you three actions that you can start now to activate the calm state within you. The best performers utilize this hack to perform under uncertain conditions. Has anyone ever told you to "calm down"? Chances are you can benefit from embracing the feedback and owning what someone has shared with you.

When you think about your calmness, where do you stand? How do you define being calm? What is your motivation for seeking more calmness in your life? 

These are must answer questions that will help you gauge your life and how this state is showing up in you everyday. 

Like a muscle, repetition is the key to making this state more present in your life. Be sure to watch the video to understand the...

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How To Survive With Family - The #1 Thing Most People Don't Do

personal wellness Apr 01, 2020

Have you ever loved someone in your family so much, yet felt them getting on your last nerve with their behaviors. You find yourself bending and trying to be accommodating, but to what extent. You eventually find yourself feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, and caught in the mess of increasing internal conflicts of what you should and shouldn't say.

What would happen if you never did share what you wanted to say? Would things change? How long are you going to be stuck in this pattern? Whose responsibility is it to make the changes? 

Well if you've felt let down or frustrated with your family, especially being in this moment of time where there is increased time with family. You are not alone. 

Personal Boundaries are mostly learned through social learning from those who are modeling it to us. We don't know that our communication needs improvement until we gauge our feelings around our relationships. If you are the person who is constantly being used as the doormat, then you...

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Coronavirus and Personal Wellness - 4 Easy Questions to Ask Yourself Now

personal wellness Mar 25, 2020


The Coronavirus or COVID-19 is here, whether you are enclosed at home or confined to crazy hours of work, these uncertain times have thrown you off your schedule. Are you constantly checking the news updates and social media posts to see what has changed within the day, hour, or even minute? After taking in the new information, how do you feel afterward? Where is your attention at? The uncertainty of the moment right now possibly has you feeling stressed, overwhelmed, fearful, anxious or worried. 

How can you change all this?

You ever notice that as the quality of our questions get better, we tend to get better as well? Getting better starts and ends with you. Watch the video to find the 4 questions you should be asking yourself right now.

Share your comments below. Awareness is always the key, what did you more deeply understand about yourself? What did you get motivation to do differently? Where are you in your wellness?

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